The Worship Quote of the Week for (10/09/2007):

"Lord, Help Me": A Prayer for Healing
Do you sometimes have difficulty finding the right words to pray for someone's physical, emotional, or spiritual healing? Today's WORSHIP QUOTE is a prayer/poem--a modern-day psalm. Hymnwriter Timothy Dudley-Smith expresses honesty and vulnerability before God as he voices a prayer for healing. In the second section, the author references the moving story from Matthew 15:21-31 in which the Canaanite woman cries out for mercy to the Lord for the healing of her daughter.


My Father,
there is so much I would have
different--and which I believe
you would have different too. I want
to make a start. I think it must begin
in me. But where?
Lord, help me.

And there are others--like this poor woman's daughter--
whom I would bring to you as she brought
this great, this overwhelming need.
There are friends and neighbors I feel
so powerless to help. People I love,
dangerously near the rocks, far from their
true home, possessed by many demons of
our modern world. How can I help them?
How can I serve them better?
Lord, help me.

My own deep places--the
unremembered scars which limit me today;
the unhealed wounds that make me less than whole--
Lord, help me.

My faith is not great, Lord. Indeed
I do not always want true healing.
There are attractions in a certain
undemanding invalidism. But I want
what you want. I trust you where I do not trust myself.

So be my bread of life, Lord Jesus.
Nourish, sustain, and heal.
Help me according to your will.
May my dumb spirit testify,
my weakness mend,
my blind eyes see,
my heart rejoice.
Lord, help me. Amen.

— Timothy Dudley-Smith's SOMEONE WHO BEACKONS: READINGS AND PRAYERS FOR 60 DAYS. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1978, pp. 88-89. ISBN 0-87784-7312-2. [I found this out-of-print volume on e-bay for 25 cents. I had to pay $4 postage, though. If you can find a copy, even at full price, grab it.]

Have a great week!

Chip Stam
Director, Institute for Christian Worship
School of Church Music and Worship
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, Kentucky

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