The Worship Quote of the Week for (02/14/2006):

The Gospel Gives Wings
Please see the information below about lectures and a jazz concert
by Jason Harms and the Jason Harms Quintet, February 21-22, 2006,
in Louisville, Kentucky. Spread the word.

Today's WORSHIP QUOTE is from the quill of the seventeenth-century English preacher and writer, John Bunyan, the author of what is arguably the most famous Christian allegory, PILGRIM’S PROGRESS. As a bonus, you can hear a terrific jazz setting of these same words by the Jason Harms Quintet (see below).


Run, John, run! The Law commands!
But gives me neither feet nor hands.
Far grander news the Gospel brings:
It bids me fly and gives me wings!”

–Attributed to John Bunyan (1628-88)

Please take a moment and listen to “Run, John, Run” by The Jason Harms Quintet. They have generously made a music link available at (click on “2. Run, John, Run”). I am so delighted that Jason and the group will be my guests for lectures and a concert in Louisville, Kentucky, on February 21-22. For details and a color flyer, please see

The Jason Harms Quintet (
The Institute for Christian Worship Lectures

February 21, Tuesday
10:00 A.M., Worship Leadership in Chapel
12:30 P.M., “Lessons in Jazz from the Book of Daniel: Part 1”
1:30 P.M., “Jazz as a Means of Growing in the Knowledge of God”
7:30 P.M., The Jason Harms Quintet in Concert—Heeren Hall

February 22, Wednesday
12:30 P.M., “Lessons in Jazz from the Book of Daniel: Part 2”

I hope you can join us, or send this information on to jazz lovers in the Louisville area. You may call 502-897-4115 for more information.

Have a great week,

Chip Stam
Director, Institute for Christian Worship
School of Church Music and Worship
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, Kentucky

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