The Worship Quote of the Week for (04/05/2005):

Worship: Believing and Responding to the Gospel
Today’s WORSHIP QUOTE is from the final chapter of David Peterson’s important book on Christian worship, ENGAGING WITH GOD: A BIBLICAL THEOLOGY OF WORSHIP. [Please see the announcement below about David Peterson’s worship lectures at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, April 13 & 14, 2005.]

Central to New Testament teaching is the insistence that Christ’s death is the ultimate sacrifice, provided by God to cleanse his people from the defilement of sin and consecrate them to himself in a relationship of heart-obedience. The victim and the priest of the new covenant are one, because Jesus offered perfect worship to the Father by a lifetime of obedience, culminating in his death. A special inspiration for Christians thinking about the sacrificial significance of Jesus’ death appears to have been his own reinterpretation of the Passover for his disciples at the Last Supper. By means of his sacrifice and heavenly exaltation he has opened the way for Jews and Gentiles to approach the Father together. They can draw near with the certainty that their sins are forgiven and that they have been accepted into the life and fellowship of his coming kingdom. They can serve him with gratitude and whole-hearted devotion because of their trust in what God has done for them through Christ. Fundamentally, then, worship in the New Testament means believing the gospel and responding with one’s whole life and being to the person and work of God’s Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

— David Peterson, ENGAGING WITH GOD: A BIBLICAL THEOLOGY OF WORSHIP (Leicester: Apollos, 1999), 285-86. ISBN 0-85111-428-8. David Peterson has taught New Testament at Moore College, Sydney, Australia, and currently serves as principal of Oak Hill Theological College, London. He is also the author of HEBREWS AND PERFECTION (Cambridge University Press, 1982) and POSSESED BY GOD: A BIBLICAL THEOLOGY OD SANTIFICATION AND HOLINESS (Eerdmans, 1996).

APRIL 13-14, 2005
Please call (502) 897-4115 for more information.

1. “What Really Is Worship? Old Testament Foundations for a Biblical Theology of Worship” — Wednesday, April 13, 12:30 P.M., Heeren Hall

2. “The Worship that Pleases God,” an exposition of Hebrews 12:18-28
Chapel Message, Thursday, April 14, 10:00 A.M. — Alumni Chapel

3. “Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: Does the Bible Direct Us in the Choice of Musical Styles for Worship?" — Gheens Luncheon, Thursday, April 14, 11:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. — Heritage Hall. Ticket required. Call Beth Holmes (502)-897-4897 for reservations.

4. “Meeting God in the Gathering of His People” — Thursday, April 14, 1:30 P.M., Heeren Hall

5. “The Worship that Jesus Makes Possible” — Thursday, April 14, 7:10 P.M., Heeren Hall. (I understand that Dr. Block is asking our guest to take the first two hours of the Biblical Theology of Worship class for this presentation.)

BONUS NIGHT: For any of you without church obligations on Wednesday evening, April 13, please know that Dr. Peterson will be speaking at Clifton Baptist Church at 6:30pm. His topic will be “Sanctification.” All are welcome. Please call 502-897-1771 for more information (

Have a great week,

Chip Stam
Director, Institute for Christian Worship
School of Church Music and Worship
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, Kentucky

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