The Worship Quote of the Week for (08/19/2003):

Do the Right Thing
Today’s WORSHIP QUOTE comes from the introduction to a wonderful new book by Don Whitney, SIMPLIFY YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE.

The world is more complex than ever, and it becomes more so by the nanosecond. As a result, almost everyone eventually feels the need to simplify. For many people, simplifying means nothing more than "doing less." But simplifying is not so much about doing fewer things as it is about doing the RIGHT things.

This distinction is even more important when it comes to simplifying the spiritual part of life. For even the "ideal" simple spiritual life (whatever that is) will still be a busy one. Like Jesus and the apostle Paul, anyone devoted to loving God and people will lead a full and active life. But such a life will also be more focused, fruitful, and satisfying because it emphasizes the right priorities.

—Donald S. Whitney, SIMPLIFY YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE: SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES FOR THE OVERWHELMED. (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2003), p. 13. ISBN 1-57683-345-3. The author’s web site is

[Does this apply to corporate worship? Many of our churches might profit by prioritizing in order to pursue the RIGHT things in worship, rather than always striving to do MORE things. Think about it. Pray about it. I suggest that many times we allow crucial, God-focused things to be crowded out by things that are just not worthy by comparison. What do you think?]

Have a great week.

Chip Stam
Director, Institute for Christian Worship
School of Church Music and Worship
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, Kentucky