The Worship Quote of the Week for (06/18/2003):

Covenantal Worship
Today’s WORSHIP QUOTE suggests that Christian worship is a regular reminder of the covenant promises that our holy and loving God has given his people.

Worship is central to God’s covenant because it is the primary arena in which we come to learn more about His exceedingly great and precious promises. As we sing to God, we are reminded of what He has done for us in Jesus Christ. As we pray, we are led to claim promises in ways that give us greater confidence in the Lord. Listening to the Word of God proclaimed, our understanding of God’s promises grows, and we become more convinced that He is able to do all that He has declared. And in responding to His Word we set our hearts anew on a course of claiming God’s promises and living within His covenant. At the end of worship we feel refreshed, renewed, and ready to go forth and live for God according to the truth of His Word and the glorious prospect of His exceedingly great and precious promises.

—T. M. Moore, I WILL BE YOUR GOD: HOW GOD’S COVENANT ENRICHES OUR LIVES. (Phillipsburg, New Jersey: R&R; Publishing Co., 2002), p. 104. ISBN 087552558X

[If you’d like some challenge and encouragement from God’s word, go to and do a search in the NIV for the word “covenant.” No doubt about it—our God is a covenant-making God.]

Have a great week.

Chip Stam
Director, Institute for Christian Worship
School of Church Music and Worship
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, Kentucky