The Worship Quote of the Week for (02/19/2002):

Worship and Scripture
Today’s WORSHIP QUOTE is another from an important new book for worship
leaders by Kevin Navarro.

Worship is our response to what God has revealed about himself. The
Scriptures are the written record where we receive God’s special revelation.
Through the Scriptures, we learn about God; we learn about his love for his
people; and we discover his redemptive plan. Worship is our response to this
foundational truth. It is important that the Scriptures take a top priority
in our worship services. The reading and preaching from the Bible must be
emphasized, and when we offer prayer, the Scriptures should form the content
of our appeal to God.

— Kevin J. Navarro, THE COMPLETE WORSHIP LEADER. Grand Rapids: Baker Books,
2001, p. 41. ISBN 0-8010-9116-0

[Even though I think this book is terrific, and I highly recommend it, I
decided not to include the sentence that actually begins the above paragraph.
The author states, "One of the distinctives of evangelical worship is the
role that the Scriptures play in our worship services." I think this is true
and not true. Sadly, evangelical worship is often characterized by how little
Scripture is actually read. Many churches that claim to be governed by the
Scriptures, rarely provide significant time in the service when God’s Word is
read with meaning and heard with a sense of expectancy—"This is the Word of
the Lord."]

Have a great week,

Chip Stam
Director, Institute for Christian Worship
School of Church Music and Worship
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, Kentucky