The Worship Quote of the Week for (10/02/2001):

Worship and the Word
Most Christian churches claim to be practicing authentic biblical worship.
Today’s WORSHIP QUOTE is a challenge to make sure that the Word of God is
read and believed in our corporate worship?

The churches of the Reformation (and to a significant extent also the
churches before the Reformation) not only sought to have the Bible guide
their worship, but also sought to fill worship with the Word of God. This is
because the Word not only instructs us but is also the means through which we
draw near to God. We know, serve, and worship God through His Word. It is
also "a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" (Ps. 119:105) in worship . .

If we really delight in the Word and seek worship that is filled with the
Word, many of the tensions and problems that surround worship today will
begin to sort themselves out. We cannot claim to love the Word and be content
with its absence from worship. We will want to hear it in reading and
preaching, see it in the sacraments, and sing it in our songs.

If we are not interested in the Word of God, can we really be interested in

— Robert Godfrey, PLEASING GOD IN OUR WORSHIP, Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway
Books, 1999, p. 27, 31. ISBN 1-58134-079-6

[I often wonder why some of our churches that have a very regard for the
authority of the Scriptures have very low standards when it comes to the
practice of the public reading of God’s Word in corporate worship. There
seems to be a ditch on the other side of the road as well. We can fill our
services with Scripture readings, but fail to acknowledge the Bible as fully
"God-breathed," ready to teach us and reprove us, and correct us, and train
us in righteousness (1 Timothy 3:16).]

Have a great week.

Chip Stam
Director, Institute for Christian Worship
School of Church Music and Worship
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, Kentucky