The Worship Quote of the Week for (06/26/2001):

Above All
Today’s WORSHIP QUOTE speaks of biblical worship’s role in restoring the
image of God in the believer.

The worship of the Lord by fallen sinners has, as its end, the
restoration of the image of God in us, and this is done so that God will be
glorified above all.

Our sin resulted in having fallen short of His GLORY. We are told to
put on the new man, being remade in righteousness and holiness. We are told
that we are predestined to be conformed to the image and likeness of Jesus
Christ. We are being transformed according to His image, from glory to glory.

Many have speculated about what the phrase in Genesis —"image of God"—
actually means. Some have thought rationality, others imagination and
creativity, some this and some that. But Paul tells us that the image of God
is the glory of God in the face of Christ.

Our fall into sin defaced the image of God in us, but did not
annihilate it. Our rebirth began the long process of restoring that defaced
image. Our growth in holiness and righteousness is that process, culminating,
not in fussiness and abundance of man-made scruples, but culminating in GLORY.

So in everything you do, whether it is singing, or praying, or
partaking of the Supper, or hearing the Word, do it ALL to the glory of God.
Imitate Christ in your worship.

Idaho: Charles Nolan Publishers, 2000, p. 110. ISBN 0-9677603-1-3. [The
author has assembled the calls to worship that were used in his local
congregation over the course of several years. Some are exhortations to the
worshippers; some are opening prayers; but all come from a desire to prepare
worshippers to rightly worship our awesome and loving Heavenly Father.]

Have a great week,

Chip Stam
Director, Institute for Christian Worship
School of Church Music and Worship
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, Kentucky