The Worship Quote of the Week for (01/02/2001):

Serving God in Everything
Today's WORSHIP QUOTE is another that falls into the category of "full-life
worship" (Romans 12:1-2). The author is Paul Tournier, the amazing Swiss
medical doctor and Christian author who developed the "medicine of the

For the fulfillment of his purpose God needs more than priests, bishops,
pastors and missionaries. He needs mechanics and chemists, gardeners and
street sweepers, dressmakers and cooks, tradesmen, physicians, philosophers,
judges, and shorthand typists . . . I do not serve God only in the brief
moments during which I am taking part in a religious service, or reading the
Bible, or saying my prayers, or talking about him in some book I am writing,
or discussing the meaning of life with a patient or a friend. I serve him
quite as much when I am giving a patient an injection, or lancing an abscess,
or writing a prescription, or giving a piece of good advice. Or again, I
serve him quite as much when I am reading the newspaper, traveling, laughing
at a joke, or soldering a joint in an electric wire. I serve him by taking an
interest in everything, because he is interested in everything, because he
has created everything and has put me in his creation so that I may
participate in it fully. "It is a great mistake," wrote Archbishop William
Temple, "to suppose that God is interested only, or even primarily, in

- Paul Tournier (1898-1986) in THE ADVENTURE OF LIVING, SCM Press, 1960; as
collected in EERDMANS' BOOK OF CHRISTIAN CLASSICS: A TREASURY OF CHRISTIAN WRITINGS THROUGH THE CENTURIES, compiled by Veronica Zundel, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1985, p. 103.

You may enjoy this short biography of Paul Tournier:

Happy New Year!
Have a great week,

Chip Stam
Director, Institute for Christian Worship
School of Church Music and Worship
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, Kentucky