The Worship Quote of the Week for (02/29/2000):

Worship Changes Us
Today's WORSHIP QUOTE is another about the nature Christian worship.
Theologian and philosopher Dallas Willard suggests that worship is not only
something we do, but also something that challenges us and changes us and
renews us.

In worship we are ascribing greatness, goodness, and glory to God. It is
typical that we put every possible aspect of our being into it, all of our
sensuous, conceptual, active, and creative capacities.

We embellish, elaborate, and magnify. Poetry and song, color and texture,
food and incense, dance and procession are all used to exalt God. And
sometimes it is in the quiet absorption of thought, the electric passion of
encounter, or total surrender of the will. In worship we strive for adequate
expression of God's greatness. But only for a moment, if ever, do we achieve
what seems like adequacy. We cannot do justice to God or his Son or his
kingdom or his goodness to us.

Worship nevertheless imprints on our whole being the reality that we study.
The effect is a radical disruption of the powers of evil in us and around us.
Often an enduring and substantial change is brought about. And the renewal of
worship keeps the glow and power of our true homeland an active agent in all
parts of our being. To "hear and do" in the atmosphere of worship is the
clearest, most obvious and natural thing imaginable.

GOD, HarperSanFrancisco, 1998, Chapter 9, "A Curriculum for Christlikeness,"
p. 363.

[Loving God, forgive us when we wander. Please give us today a glimpse of
your greatness and goodness and glory, that we may be drawn even closer to
our true homeland. Help us to "hear well" and to "do well" as we respond to
you. Amen!]

Have a great week,

Chip Stam
Pastor of Worship and Music
Chapel Hill Bible Church
Chapel Hill, North Carolina