The Worship Quote of the Week for (10/19/1999):

Jesus said to his first disciples, "Follow me." Did belief come before
following, or was it the other way around? What about for us, today? Does the
worshiper become a follower, or does the follower become a worshiper?
Today's WORSHIP QUOTE is a fictitious encounter between Nicodemus and the
Apostle John. Let's take a look. . . .

But tell me why; why did you follow Him?

I think it was our feet that followed Him;
It was our feet; our hearts were too afraid.
Perhaps indeed it was not in our choice;
He tells us that we have not chosen Him,
But He has chosen us. I only know
That as we followed Him that day He called us
We were not walking on the earth at all;
It was another world,
Where everything was new and strange and shining;
We pitied men and women at their business,
For they knew nothing of what we knew-

Perhaps it was some miracle He did.

It was indeed; more miracles than one;
I was not blind and yet He gave me sight;
I was not deaf and yet He gave me hearing;
Nor was I dead, yet me He raised to life.

- Andrew Young (1885- 1971), from NICODEMUS, as collected in A TREASURY OF
CHRISTIAN VERSE, selected and edited by Hugh Martin, SCM Press Ltd., 1959.

[Well, Jesus still says, "Follow me!"]

Have a great week,

Chip Stam
Pastor of Worship and Music
Chapel Hill Bible Church
Chapel Hill, North Carolina