The Worship Quote of the Week for (12/29/1998):

"And the Word Was Made Flesh"
Today's WORSHIP QUOTE is a very short poem about the incarnation. The title is
obviously drawn from the first chapter of John's gospel.

Light looked down and beheld Darkness.
"Thither will I go," said Light.
Peace looked down and beheld War.
"Thither will I go," said Peace.
Love looked down and beheld Hatred.
"Thither will I go," said Love.
So came Light and shone.
So came Peace and gave rest.
So came Love and brought Life.

- Laurence Housman, 1865-1959, as collected in MASTERPIECES OF RELIGIOUS
VERSE, Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1948.

[May the Christ who is Light, Peace and Love be very real to each of you in
the new year. In him may you find both rest and abundance of life.]

Have a great week,

Chip Stam
Pastor of Worship and Music
Chapel Hill Bible Church
Chapel Hill, North Carolina