The Worship Quote of the Week for (01/20/1998):

Worship Is Duty and Privilege
Worship is duty and privilege

Today's WORSHIP QUOTE comes from the opening of Calvin Miller's dramatic work
A REQUIEM FOR LOVE, an extended poetic depiction of the Creation narrative.
In this excerpt we have a "worship dialogue" between Regis (Adam) and
Earthmaker (God).

"Father, I receive Your gift of being, but
You have made me TOO rich
To name my wealth
And yet too poor
To give you anything of meaning.
I love you with only giftless love."

"Regis, there is no such thing as 'giftless' love.
The very words accuse each other.
My gift to you is love, but
Worship is your gift to Me.
And Oh, most glorious it is!
Worship always calls me 'Father' and
Makes us both rich with a common joy.
Worship Me, for only this great gift
Can set you free from the killing love of self,
And prick your fear with valliant courage
To fly in hope through moments of despair.
Worship will remind you
That no man knows completeness in himself.
Worship will teach you to speak your name,
When you've forgotten who you are.
Worship is duty and privilege,
Debt and grand inheritance at once.
Worship, therefore, at those midnights
When the stars hide.
Worship in the storms till love
Makes thunder whimper and grow quiet
And listen to your whispered hymns.
Worship and be free."

-Calvin Miller in A REQUIEM FOR LOVE, Word Publishing, 1989.

[Miller is also the author of THE SINGER trilogy. I highly reccommend these
books to you, but encourage you not to read them when you are in a hurry.
This is language that needs time to breath.]

Have a great week,
Chip Stam