The Worship Quote of the Week for (10/14/1997):

Today's WORSHIP QUOTE OF THE WEEK is another from the pen of A. W. Tozer.

"The blessed and inviting truth is that God is the most winsome of all beings
and in our worship of Him we should find unspeakable pleasure."

-A. W. Tozer, in THE PURSUIT OF GOD, Christian Publications, 1948.

[Tozer was the pastor of Chicago's Southside Alliance Church from 1928 to
1959. He never went to be a Bible school, seminary or university, but his
many writings consistently and powerfully direct the reader's attention to
the amazing God who desires our love, devotion and worship.]

win-some: adj. 1. Causing joy or pleasure; pleasant; winning. Synonyms:
captivating, charming, attractive.

Have a great week,
