The Worship Quote of the Week for (08/26/1997):

"May the Love of Christ Enfold Us"
Today's WORSHIP QUOTE is a poem on the theme of Christian experience and
discipleship. I think it would make a good benediction.


May the love of Christ enfold us
as we walk his way,
his eternal arms uphold us
even as we pray;
strong in faith beneath his blessing,
every tongue his Name confessing,
every heart his peace possessing,
this and every day.

May the word of Christ direct us
as we walk his way,
and his providence protect us
even as we pray.
May his Spirit's power defend us,
love and joy and peace attend us,
his companionship befriend us,
this and every day.

May the living Christ renew us
as we walk his way,
and with gifts of grace endue us
even as we pray;
send us forth, his banner bearing,
all the truth of God declaring,
Heaven's love for sinners sharing,
this and every day.

-Timothy Dudley-Smith, from GREAT IS THE GLORY: 36 New Hymns written between
1993 & 1996, Hope Publishing Company, 1997.

© 1997 Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
For permission to copy or use this hymn, please contact:
Hope Publishing Company, 380 S. Main Place, Carol Stream, IL 60188
1-800-323-1049 Fax: (630) 665-3200

Here's what the hymn writer says about this poem:
"Though the text is a prayer for ourselves and our own daily walk, it began
from thoughts of thankfulness and the desire to write a 'litany of
thankfulness' - a task which still lies ahead of me. Note that along with the
request that we may know Christ's enfolding, upholding, directing,
protecting, defending, befriending, goes the call to mission - 'his Name
confessing,' (verse 1), while verse 4 calls us to witness, proclamation and
service 'this and every day.'"

May the love of Christ enfold you this and every day,
Chip Stam