The Worship Quote of the Week for (08/27/1996):

Hallowed Be Thy Name
Today's WORSHIP QUOTE OF THE WEEK is part of J.I. Packer's commentary on the
first phrase of The Lord's Prayer.

"Were we left to ourselves, any praying we did would both start and end with
ourselves, for our natural self-centeredness knows no bounds. Indeed, much
pagan praying of this kind goes on among supposedly Christian people. But
Jesus' pattern prayer, which is both crutch, road, and walking lesson for the
spiritually lame like ourselves, tells us to start with God: for God matters
infinitely more than we do. So "thy" is the keyword of the opening three
petitions, and the first request of all is "hallowed (holy, sanctified) by
THY NAME" - which is the biggest and the most basic request of the whole
prayer. Understand it and make it your own, and you have unlocked the secret
of both prayer and life."

-- J. I. Packer, from Chapter 5 of I WANT TO BE A CHRISTIAN, Tyndale House
Publishers, 1977. [This is a great little book that provides a phrase by
phrase study of the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten

Have a great week,
Chip Stam