The Worship Quote of the Week for (11/28/1995):

"All Bless the God of Israel"
For the upcoming first Sunday of ADVENT, the WQOTW is an advent poem.

ALL BLESS THE GOD OF ISRAEL by Jaroslav Vajda c1989
from *SO MUCH TO SING ABOUT* (Morningstar Publishers 1991)

All bless the God of Israel
for promising Immanuel:
from Abraham, a man like us,
from God, divine and glorious:
someone to share our every woe,
someone to conquer every foe.

All praise the God of Israel
for sending us Immanuel,
to do what God had sworn He would,
what only the Messiah could:
live, die, and rise, and clear the path
to life from certain, endless wrath.

All thank the God of Israel
for being our Immanuel,
whose Spirit opens eyes to see
the Word, the Truth, that makes us free
to live unfettered by our fears,
to serve our Savior all our years.

All bless the Lord, the God of all,
for Christ, our great Immanuel!
Come, welcome David's greater Son
with Zechariah and with John,
and, living, prove our gratitude
to be the Israel of God.

Based on Luke 1:67-79, the Song of Zechariah. Can be sung to "Veni, Immanuel"
("O Come, O Come, Immanuel").

Have a great week, Chip