The Worship Quote of the Week for (12/31/1969):

"As in That Upper Room You Left Your Seat"
There is a health update at the end of this message.
Parts One through Five of a Worship Conversation with
Harold Best, Carl Stam, and Mike Cosper

We know that on the Thursday evening before his death, Jesus gathered with his disciples for a Passover meal—and what a meal it would be! Today’s WORSHIP QUOTE is a short but wonderful poem by Timothy Dudley-Smith, this one especially appropriate for a Maundy Thursday Communion service. I suggest you read it aloud as a prayer. For an additional encouragement and challenge, read what our Lord said to his disciples in John 13:1-17.


As in that room you left your seat
and took a towel and chose a servant’s part,
so for today, Lord, wash again my feet,
who in your mercy died to cleanse my heart.

I bow before you, all my sin confessed,
to hear again the words of love you said;
and at your table, as your honored guest,
I take and eat the true and living Bread.

So in remembrance of your life laid down
I come to praise you for your grace divine;
saved by your cross, and subject to your crown,
strengthened for service by this bread and wine.

—Timothy Dudley-Smith (1993), from A HOUSE OF PRAISE: COLLECTED HYMNS 1961-2001, © 2003 Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188. All rights reserved. Used by permission. ISBN 0-916642-74-7.

For permission to copy or use this hymn, please contact:
Hope Publishing Company, 380 S. Main Place, Carol Stream, IL 60188
1-800-323-1049, Fax: (630) 665-3200

May this be a truly Holy Week for us all as we remember the great gift that is ours because of the cross and the empty tomb. “Hallelujah! What a Savior!”


Dear Friends,

Thanks again for praying for us while we are on this long road of cancer treatment. A longer and more detailed report can be found at (click on "journal").

Much has happened since my March 26th appointment with Dr. Chowhan. The wheels are very much in motion towards the stem cell transplant. The hospital stay will likely begin on May 11.

April 2 was a long day of testing at the Brown Cancer Center (University of Louisville Hospital).
1. Blood tests galore—I think I counted seven vials of blood in the nurse's fist. They were able to use my port to get the blood. Nice!
2. Psychological testing—an hour-long interview with a psychologist who was trying to determine if I am able to withstand the emotional rigor of the stem cell transplant. She had me count backwards from 100 by sevens. There were lots of questions about medical history and where I turn for support. The doctor wanted to know whether I was good at following medical instructions. Do I take my pills? I told her that our marriage was the best it has ever been. She got the idea that I had a lot of people who cared about me.
3. A very reasonable lunch at the hospital cafeteria. Doris is scoping out the on-site options for food for the long period of time while I will be in the hospital.
4. Pulmonary Function Test--The woman who administered the test said that I scored higher on one part than anyone she had tested in fifteen years. She refrained from calling me a windbag. I told her that singers were taught not to use high chest breathing, but to breathe deep and low and relaxed.
5. EKG
6. Echo-cardiogram
7. Chest X-Ray
8. We went back to the clinic to have my port deactivated, and we also met one of the case nurses.
9. We finished about two hours before we were scheduled to finish. How nice. That left time for a two-hour nap in the afternoon. Yes!

Next will be a ZOMETA treatment on April 14 back at the Cancer Care Center of Indiana. As soon as the test results are in, the Brown Cancer Center will call me for a meeting with the case nurse to prepare me for the "mobilization" of my stem cells so that they can harvest them and freeze them. That will be soon after Easter, we think.

Thanks for your interest and prayers. May this Holy Week draw us all more firmly to the truth of the gospel. "Hallelujah! What a Savior."

Shalom to all,

Chip Stam
School of Church Music and Worship
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, Kentucky

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